Wednesday 30 September 2009

RMS Lucania

RMS Lucania

The ship in the

Monday 28 September 2009

RMS Olympic

RMS Olympic

RMS Olympic was built in Harland and Wolff yards, Belfast. The ship was builded in 14 October 1901 to 12 December 1904, the Olympic was built after the new ship, in 1906, RMS Titanic, the new ship, sailing for Southampton to New York, same with the Titanic. The perfomance is the most sailing and the crew of Olympic, Captain Haddock, it confirms a new ship built by Olympic-class.

The Olympic. The bow looks like a straight, nice points and a red waterline. A rudder put in the stern, propellers at the bow. Funnels are 4, but all are funnels that come out smoke. The lookouts' and crew's bridge wing cab have a warning bell, the lookout, Albert Pitman, the ship sinks when she collided with HMS Hawke in 15 November 1911, it sinks.

Sunday 27 September 2009

Saturday 26 September 2009

Ships of the White Star Line and Cunard Line

White Star Line

RMS Titanic

  • The ship was built in 1903. The world's largest ship, Titanic, is completed in 1906. The ship sails and started in 1907, with 2,176 people aboard. The captain, Captain Edward J Smith, aged 54. It start sailing in 10 April 1907 13:30, it was the largest gantry in the world, the Titanic carries a total capacity of 3,547 passengers. Suddenly, William McMaster Murdorch, the captain orders the ship for the passengers to be launched, but she wrong calculated it was 2,201 people aboard but 2,176. The ship was carried a total capacity for the lifeboats of 1,178.
  • The Titanic struck an iceberg and sank 2:40 hours later, it was too late to avoid the collision. A 23-year old member, Henry Reuterdahl, survived. The jealous passenger, Robert Phillips, it was survived and the proud passenger, Alice, died. He was aged 34 in the time of the sinking, Robert's age was 45 at the time of the sinking. She was survived in Lifeboat 1.
  • The ship was doomed. At 23:50, the compartments filled with water. At 15 April, Captain Smith orders the lifeboats to be uncovered. She was going to find, Robert was reached the boat deck (E deck's inside), she boarded a lifeboat. The Goodwins reached the boat deck too late to board a lifeboat, and all were lost. Titanic was the most survivor in Lifeboat 11, J Bruce Ismay, aged 29 it was see the Goodwins is still in the D deck.
  • 2 survivors, Edmond and Michel, who lives in France. Edmond's age was 2 in the time of the sinking. The 6-year old survivor it was Milvina Dean, it was survived at Lifeboat 19. The sliding tour of 2 passengers and a crew member, Harold Bride, it plays Titanic Sliding Tour. 2 passengers, Alice and Baker Reginald Burgess, it was 2 survived. Milvina was survived in the lifeboat. She died on 31 May 2009, it was something in the ships.
  • 1st survivor, Fredrick Fleet, sounded the alarm on 23:40. The capsized lifeboat, Lifeboat 2, it was rowing and people stay standing. The passengers row a capsized lifeboat it was 22 passengers. The stern slowly sank, and the bow rose high into the air. At 2:10, the stern rose up again and again, and at 2:17, the waterline reached the boat deck and E deck.

The ship is ready to be launched. The Titanic carries 2,176 people that have launched in 1907 to enegrate people to America. The propellers still running at the bow, Captain Smith is in the wheelhouse. The ship launched with the White Star Line in the
building centres of the ship to Rotterdam and Queenstown, and the iceberg.

Titanic struck an iceberg and sank 2:40 hours later, the sink direction is in the stern. Water pours into the current hole in a 5-water filled compartments. The ship was doomed. The iceberg that sinks Titanic was small and dark, a someone was loaded into a mommy's curse.

The posistion of the iceberg had cut a gash into Titanic's hull. 2 sprayers filled with the water, damaging her bottom. The 5-water filled compartments weighed down so it could be sunk, allowing water to pour into addiotional compartments. The water leaves them too long, but must be 4 flooded, 5 filled with water.

The ship breaks into two, the waterline still holding tightly between the 9-water filled compartments. When it still holding tightly with the pieces, it rose up again. When it sunk, 2 funnels is still left. The watertight compartments filled more after it sunk. Then it took away from the bow and stern pieces.

The water filled compartments must be 1, 2, 3, or 4 to stay afloat, but 5 were filling with water. The Titanic was a spooky decks from the waterline and the L deck. The waterline reached Q deck - it was seen by a sunken intercom bridge and the sunken bridge wing cab.

Tons of water pulled from the ship below, bending Titanic togheter. And, it has 2 funnels left. The ship was still holding tightly with the waterline, the bow rose up again. The stern heads for the bottom, and the bow it starts to sink. The water-filled compartments, the water reached E deck. The ship was sunk by an iceberg and the situatsion is very worse like a mommy's curse.

The left bridge wing cab (left) have sunk after water pours outside. Sidings and waves, however, it will broke free, it makes it a lights stays on in the stern, pulled in the water, stern under water, bow in the air and sky. The aftermath was the fate of the Titanic, in 1912 it was a deadly collision. It struck an iceberg and sank 2:40 hours later, the bridge wing cab sinks 1:50 hours later.

Parts of the Titanic, the bow carries: A UK flag ensign, a foremast, a White Star ensign flag, a wheelhouse to drive the ship, and the 1st funnel. The ship's captain, Captain Smith is the driver of the ship. The stern carries: Bridge wing cab, intercom bridge, a 1 intercom on lifeboat boat deck, a staircase to C deck, a bridge wing path. His materials to making a ship of Titanic is iron, this ship will sink. The ship has 14 bulkheads. The ship has 15 compartments.

Sincerely, the upper structure fails, and starts to crack. The crack nearly reaches the waterline, it holds tightly and water pours into the compartments. The compartments holding and weighing the ship to break into two. Titanic was forelifted. Then it pulls at her bottom, it pulls up again. Tons of water pulled from the ship below, bending Titanic togheter. The ship forelifts and more compartments filled with water.

Since the breakup was confirmed in 1985, most the Titanic's bow rose higher. And the water filled compartments are 5, must be 4. The iceberg had cut a gash into 5 compartments and will sink, it will, the rivets was forelifted, and the davits were game way. The ship was full steam ahead.

The ship breaks into two, when it holding tightly (left), stern under water, and bow high up in the air and sky. When it did'nt holding tightly, the stern heads for the bottom (right) and bow sinks into the water like a crashing to under water. The ship was broke after the aftermath is done, it's under water, the ship heads for the bottom after it broke apart between the watertight compartments. The ship was doomed.



A 23-year old crew member, Henry Reuterdahl, it was the sinking of the Titanic. It happens when the ship was sunk by an iceberg and she was in the bridge wing cab. Henry spotted something like a iceberg, but Captain Smith trying to swirl it, it was too late to avoid the collision. First Officer Murdorch gave the order hard a starboard, but the sinking have allowed with this image:
Sinking of the Titanic by Henry Reuterdahl, drawn based on radio competitions.

The sinking resulted of 1,517 deaths. The majority of the deaths is caused by the hypothermia in a -2 C water. The loaded mails is survived and more perished. The more lifeboats is for survived 836 passengers, it was 1,178 capacity of lifeboats. It was carried by a lifeboat list got from his paper. Then he saw, First Officer Murdorch gave it hard a starboard, so he get lifeboats to survive passengers:

The Titanic's lifeboats.

Diagram of the ship 1 (fake display)

Ensign of the British flag is seen all blue, means light display has red on it. Ensign of the White Star Line was the ship's name built by the Harland & Wolff. And the 4 funnels in the Titanic, 15 compartments, and 14 bulkheads, propellers at the bow, waterline, anchor