Friday 2 October 2009

Crew members and domestic passengers of the RMS Titanic

Crew members and domestic passengers of the RMS Titanic

William McMaster Murdorch. He was 35 when she was built, 39 in 1907. When he was 48, Violet have a tradinational SOS call. When she was 49, in the World War I, he drives a battleship. When she was 42, at Queenstown it was Murdorch's birthday. Murdorch was survived in the last lifeboat, but she follows with a lifeboat numbers. The bridge wing cab is almost in the water.

Captain Edward John Smith. Coming from Southampton, was boarding when he was starting to drive with his ship. She was growing a beard at the age of 27. She was 54 at the time of the sinking; survived at lifeboat 9. Captain Smith warned: The ship is going to sink when it reaches America. She was born in 1 January 1858, died in 13 October 1945. She was telling Fleet to swirl to avoid the collision.

Fredrick Fleet. She was a lookout when she hit the warning bell and explained: "Iceberg, right ahead!!!". Fleet was sitting on the bridge wing cab, she was doing something. His diagram of a newspaper Diagram of the Titanic, the ship is trying to swirl to port (left), but it was too late. The Titanic struck the iceberg. With more than 5 compartments flooded, the Titanic could not stay afloat.

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